- Bibliographical research;
- Bookbinding;
- Copy-scanning, printing, photographing;
- Digitalization of audio-visual materials;
Regular programs
- Orbán Balázs photo club;
- Book club;
- Lullaby –Baby-mother club;
- Movie club;
- Youth photography club;
Cultural events
- Days of Hungarian Culture: 22nd of January;
- Bálint Day Balassi Festival: 14th of February;
- International Day of Mother Language: 21st of February;
- Children’s Art Exposition; 15th of March
- International Librarian Day; 22nd of April
- Tré Courts – International Very Short Film Festival;
- Odorheiu Secuiesc (Székelyudvarhely) Spring-May;
- Saint Stephan’s Day events: 20th of April;
- Library Open Nights: last Friday of August
- Hungarian Folk Tales Day- 30th of September;
- Filmtettfest- Transylvanian Hungarian film festival;
- Hungarian Science Day:- 3rd of November;
- Christmas Festivities: 20-25 December;
- Art expositions;
- Reeder-Writer meetings;
- Book presentations.